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Thursday, April 19, 2012

2. Rice Without Rain Chapter 1

This is a picture of the actual river Dao and Jinda visit in Chapter One. It is located in Maekung, Thailand.

Please comment with your first impressions of the novel.

What are some similarities and differences you see in Asian and Latino culture?


  1. I think this novel will be worth the time.

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  4. My first impression of the book was that it was very stupid but after reading a little bit more now I think it is a ok book. Some of the similarities are that most of the villages are very poor don't have enough food.

  5. I believe that the book has some potential to catch my interst, but it just doesn't. I have read upto chapter five and it really really isn't getting my attention.

  6. I think it will be cool to see a culture, and now just seeing how poor a lot of them are makes me realize how much we have and how much freedom we really do have.

  7. My first impression on this novel is for it to be touching and sad, this boook has started out really good but i have to say the title confused me until i found out the comparison. Asian cultures i see as hard workers who are down to earth. Latinos i see as party people who still get some hard work done.

  8. I really liked the book so far.

  9. i Hate reading period but i think i just might like this book!

  10. I think this book is an interesting book if I keep on reading but right now it is barely catching my interest.

  11. The book seemed really boring. And it still is.

  12. I didnt like this book as soon as I saw it. It doesnt appeal to me i probably wouldnt read it by myself and i would just listen to yall read it

  13. This book looked lame at first. But i think it still is it might get better maybe maybe not


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