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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

AVID. Themes in Hunger Games

Choose one of the themes or essential questions from The Hunger Games and write one paragraph explaining how it relates to you and your life. Katniss Everdeen, the protagonist, is a typical teen. In what ways can you relate to her, even though this is a post-apocalyptic tale? 


  1. I believe i relate to her because i chose what i want and what i need. I really think that she is independent.

    what is best to do when you know you cannot win?
    i would say to not give up even if you know absolutely 10000000000% that you will not win. and no matter if you win or lose, you shouldn't ever not have good sports manship. If you dont have good sports manship twards your opponent then you will lose every time. I think that if you're going to give up then you should probally not even enter.

  2. What weapons work against ultimate control?

    Feelings was my answer for this question. I put this question and the answer because I know that feelings can make or break somebody and having good feelings can make you have control over yourself. Knowing what you feel cannot be controlled.


  3. I feel as though as I relate to her because she's a strong teenager that took on the role of taking care of her family. Now that my dad is sick I took on the role of taking care of him until he is able to do for himself.

    What is the best thing to do when you know you can't win ?
    Don't give up. Giving up can show that you can't handle a fight. Or it could also mean that your stronger than everybody else. It takes a lot of courage to just give up. But I feel as though as you should continue to fight.
    Kiara Quick

  4. I relate to her because of My courage I believe in myself and I know if I incourage myself to do something I can do it! If i believe in myself and push my self to that limit I can make a difference in myself and that's why to me I feel like I relate to her.

    EQ:What is the best to do when you cannot win?
    This question relates to my life because everytime I know i can't win I keep trying. Even though I know I can not win at least I know I've tries my best and I've succeeded in trying. Alot of times I know I might not pass a test a school but I keep trying and studying and I at least make a 80 and that's good enough knowing that I've tried because if i really stood there and thought about it I couldeve done worse.

    -Barbara Ortiz

  5. I believe I relate to her because she knows how to hide her feelings inside of her instead of saying anything.

    What is best to do when you know you cannot win?
    The best thing to do when you know you cannot win is never give up on yourself. You have to keep trying no matter what. Never let anything get in your way because if you give up you'll regret it later on in life. You give up it just makes you weaker inside and you'll give up on everything and not do a thing. Never give up on anything.

  6. Essential Question= "What is best to do when you know you cannot win?"
    1. There are many situations in my life where I felt I could not win. In these situations I thought it best to just let it go. This is, obviously, a lot more difficult than people think. It would be so much easier to just resort to violence, but I won't let myself. Mostly because I do not know how to fight. Even if I did, I would not fight.

    2. From what little I know about her, I can tell that we both try to make the best of a bad situation. She also has to deal with her anger, much like myself. However, I have never had to deal with the kind of problems she has.

  7. I think that I relate to her because I make my own choices most of the time.

    Responsibility reflects on me because I have so many responsibilities. I am the only one that is responsible for my actions. I am responsible for getting my school work done, getting to school, and having everything with me at the time. I have many important responsibilities and other no so important responsibilities. I think that everyone has responsibilities not just me, and as life goes; more responsibilities will come along.

  8. ~When is Silence the best force against adversity??
    Silence is the best force for adversity because somethings you may go through may take a toll on you and going through that situation may make you end up saying things that you don't mean to say to people.To me this is the best quote for this answer........."If you don't have nothing NICE to say then don't say nothing at all."
    ~Ashley Ortega

  9. Courage
    Courage relates to my life because i do sports every season. Volleyball, gymnastics then softball. But i have had 12 broken bones and 11 of them were with my ankles. One of my breaks that i had, i had to have surgery. I was out for 8 months. Even though i have had so many broken bones and weak ankles i still have the courage to get back up when i fall and go again. I have the courage to go back to my sports. I have the courage to never stop believing. The doctor me that i had to get surgery right then and there or i wouldn't be able to play sports again. But that didn't stop me. So i still have all the courage in the world because i believe that i can heal and move on and not be scared to do what i did when i got hurt.

    I can relate to Katniss Evergreen because i will die for someone i love like she did when she refused for her little sister not to go and fight because she knew she would die.

  10. What weapons work against ultimate control?

    I put yor voice as the anwser to this question. Your voice can always be a great weapon against ultimate control. The more you use your voice the more people hear. And once people start hearing your voice they'll probably join you against the control. Some will agree with you and some will not but it doesn't matter who doesn't but the people who do.


  11. Responsibility is related to my life because I try and be as responsible as I can. I am responsible for my sister and for my dog. I help my sister with her homework and protect her with all my heart. I teach her do be better than I am and try to keep her away from my mistakes. I take care of my dog and give him lots of love. It’s hard to stay responsible when most of the people around me aren’t. I am like Katness because I take responsibility of my family. I stay strong even when the people around me can't. Responsibility helps create the person I am today.

  12. the essential question, What is best to do when you know you cannot win, relates to me most because occationaly I feel down and want to give up. I it feels like no matter what I do nothing goes right. This problem mainly occures durring basketball. When I miss a shot, air ball, don't get a rebound, or make a bad pass, my self esteem drops. It drops even more while coach is yelling at me, but through the midst of it all, I pick my head up, dig deep inside, and start to believe that I can do better. No one is responsible for my actions but me, therefore if I do bad I have to take responsibility and do something good to make up for it. At the end of the game I look back on the times that my self esteem fell, and smile because I overcame that obstical which helped us get that win.

  13. what is best to do when you know you cannot win?

    if you cannot win , keep trying your best to get what you want. never give up on something you can't go a day without .Keep fighting for it . it might get hard and you feel like giving up , don't give up, it may take a lot of faith and courage to get to what you want but it will be worth it at the ending.

  14. I can relate to Katniss because I am responsible for many things. Her responsibilities are to hunt for her family and overall take care of them. I have to take care of my two little brothers and my little sister when my dad or stepmom isn't there. It may not be as extreme as her responsibilities, but it is similar.

    When is silence the best force against adversity?
    Silence is the best force against adversity because sometimes saying nothing, can mean so much more than saying anything at all. I can relate to this because my sister and I always fight. I always try to walk away from the situation before it blows up into something so much more. She means a lot to me, so I don't want to just blurt something out that I don't mean, because words can never be unheard, and they can hurt worse than any physical pain. Walking away from the situation is the best thing to do. I'd rather walk away from a situation than say something that I don't mean.

    -Madison Sharpe

  15. What weapons work against ultimate control?

    Words was my answer to the question. Words for this question felt like it was right. Your words can really get you in trouble. If you are constantly saying bad things about people then their probably gonna talk about you too.
    So if you keep your mouth shut and don't say anything then 95% of the time your gonna be okay. People won't start drama with you if you keep your mouth shut.
    There are a lot of ways your mouth can be a weapon against ultimate control and to me this is one.


  16. I relate to her in some ways but for the most part i don't she keeps her emotions inside of her I let my go im always happy so im laughing all the time. I'm courageous like her so that's something we have in common.

  17. A theme in The Hunger Games is adversity. Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, and the other tributes in the annual Hunger Games have a lot of advesities in the arena and back at home. A lot of the tributes, as Katniss, do not have a lot of resources in their Districts. At a young age, Katniss' Dad died, so she had to care for her sister and mom. One day, she was starving and nice Peeta gave her a piece of bread. The adversity she faces because of hunger is tremedous in the book until she reaches the gifts before the Hunger Games. I have not went to any Hunger Games myself, but I can relate to this. My Dad is a Baker, and when I was younger we did not have much of resources because of his poor job.

    When is adversity an advantage?
    Adversity is an advantage when you learn something at the end. Adversity comes with lessons.

  18. The essential question I choose was " When is adversity (trouble/problems) an advantage." I think that adversity is an advantage when you learn from your trouble/problems. You will have troubles and problems so you when you do have them you can learn from them. You may do things that are you regret and so all you is learn from your mistakes. That way you do that same thing again and you regret it again.

    I am only in common with Katniss Everdeen because, she is brave and so am I. I will do anything so I can reach my goals. Also when she didn't le her little girl go because, she knew that her sister was going to die. So she went instead and i would have done the same thing.

    - Lory Acosta

  19. Responsibilty , is a very huge thing in my life because , I have too much stuff to do. I have to wake up get dress , catch the bus , get to school on time , make sure all my work is turned in on time. But when I get home I have to do homework , pick up my little sister from basketball practice , I have to make sure that everything is spottless , before my mom get home so she want have to fuss. Thats really it.

  20. I can best relate to her because she is independent just like I am. She became independent at a young age just like me.

    What is best to do when you know you cannot win?
    The best thing you can do when you cannot win is you cannot give up on yourself. I would try as hard as I can so I can never say I never say I didn't try hard enough. But I know I would never give up just because I could not win I would keep trying and pray for the best.

  21. What is the best to do when you know you cannot win?
    The best thing to do when you cannot win, is to keep trying. Even if you are very sure that you will not win, you should still try your hardest. You still come out a winner.

    I can relate to Katniss because we both give our best on the things we are trying to do.
    -Allie Sharpe


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