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Thursday, November 15, 2012

All: Cavs for Country

Write a letter to one of the Veterans on our list. Use these prompts to help you. Make your letter look however you'd like. We will compile them and Mrs. Roberts will mail them. I will review with you how to address an envelope and set up your paper for a friendly letter. 
  • What does the word "veteran" mean to you? Brainstorm a list of as many related words as you can and create a word web, More advanced writers may select ten words to use in an original poem or story.
  • Work with a small group to brainstorm a list of ways you can show your appreciation to/for your nation's veterans.
  • Write a thank you note to a veteran.
  • Write an acrostic poem using the word "veterans." 
  • Brainstorm a list of character traits that you believe a good soldier needs. Choose one or more of these and write an extended definition of it.
  • How might you life be different had men and women in your country's past not been willing to fight for your freedom? 

These soldiers all have ties to Southern Lee and are bravely serving our country.

Staff Sergeant (SSgt) Jacob E. Harvey
136 Chownings Dr, Sanford, NC 27330
Pope Army Airfield, NC
He has served in the US Air Force for 7 years and is a C-130 Crew Chief (plane mechanic).  He is the spouse of Heather Harvey, an English teacher at Southern Lee.

PVT Kevin Showalter
HHC 121 INF Box #296
Schofield Barracks, HI 96857
 He has been in the US Army for 7 months and is stationed in Hawaii and his MOS is 11C, indirect fire infantryman. His mother teaches Math at Southern Lee and is a Southern Lee graduate. 
SPC John Bivans
 5960 Rothwell Street
A Btry, 1-79th FA, 1st Platoon
Fort Sill, OK 73503
John Bivans is the son of Mr. Bivans, history teacher.  Many students may know him from the two years he worked at Southern Lee as a substitute teacher.  He joined the army just 2 months ago and his MOS is 13F, Fire Support Specialist.  He is currently in Oklahoma.  

ET3 Benjamin Stan Cameron
1440 Cromwell Circle
Unit #82
JBPHH, HI  96860
 Stan Cameron, Petty Officer 3rd class, has been in the Navy for 2 years.  He is stationed at Pearl Harbor (Hawaii) and assigned to the USS Texas which is a Virginia class nuclear attack submarine.  He is an electronics technician.  

PVT Fuller Roberts
165th IN DBE, 1-61 IN RGT
C Co, 3 PLT “Marauders”
11901 Golden Arrow Road
Fort Jackson, SC  29207-6823
Fuller joined the National Guard of North Carolina in July.  He is completing his 3 months of army basic training at Fort Jackson, SC and will train at Fort Rucker, AL in 15P Aviation Operations Specialist- Helicopter aviation unit, until April 2013.  Fuller is a 2012 graduate of Southern Lee and is the son of Mrs. Roberts, Business teacher.

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