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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

AP. Context for Zora Neale Hurston

Do a web inquiry using Shmoop and other sources (not Wikipedia) to look up the context of the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God. You can use the timeline in your book as well as the foreword in order to construct a well developed paragraph explaining the subject, occasion, audience, purpose, speaker, and tone of the novel.

End your comment with a discussion question for the class about the book.

Note: This class has been compartmentalized by "people types," which we all fundamentally know is incorrect--there are no types of people--there are only people.  However, society does group people into their boxes. Also, it is impossible to deconstruct what we read if we do not pay attention to the lens of cultural bias and historical context.  The exigency for Hawthorne is going to be markedly different from Hurton's exigency because they come from two different worlds; albeit, we must realize the central humanity of all writers.  No human's experience or writing is more or less valid than another's; we have learned that human nature has not changed, even though historical and cultural contexts may. Therefore, as we embark on the SYNTHESIS unit, remember that you can use ANY sources to relate to a common theme.  You don't have to just use Puritan pieces to argue about hypocrisy or just use AA lit to argue about double-consciousness. Thoreau would also work. 


  1. Zora Neale Hurston wrote Their Eyes Were Watching God in a seven week period while in Haiti. Hurston played an important role in the Harlem Reaissance. This period occured in the early-mid 1900s. The audience is the people of the Harlem Reniassance as well as the modern American Public. This novel storyline follows Janie Crawfords life as a black woman who searched for true love and her true identity. Hurtstons novel became well known when Alice Walker, a well known African American author, wrote an article called "In Search of Zora Neale Hurston". This novel focuses on Gender, Love, Race, and Innocence while using a celebratory yet sympathetic tone.

    1. Discussion Question: What caused this book to not be popular when it was published and why did Alice Walker mentioning it make it so popular?

  2. In 1937 Zora Neale Hurston published her novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, which is a Southern love story and takes place during the Harlem Reniassance. Hurston directs her story not only towards the people during that time, but modern day society as well. The purpose of this novel is to convey the hardships and obstacles a person of minority faced during this time, and still face today. Fiercely independent Janie Crawford is the speaker of the novel who is of color, and sets out in pursuit of real love and her true identity. She refuses to live in sorrow or foolishness and so bravely evolves from trials and tribulations. Hurston's tone is joyful, compassionate, and appreciative of the African-American culture.

    1. Discussion Question: Do you believe Zora Neale Hurston was courageous for publishing her novel that conveyed so much about her personal views during this time period?

  3. Their Eyes Were Watching God was written by Zora Neale Hurtson. The novel is about a woman finding true love and herself. The novel's subject occurred in the early 1900s during the Harlem Renaissance. The audience of this novel were people of the Harlem Renaissance and people who enjoy art and culture. The novel shows that you can search for yourself and love. The speaker is third person, it follows Janie Crawford's life. The tone of the novel is celebratory as well as sympathetic.

  4. Zora Neale Hurston wrote Their Eyes Were Watching God while in Haiti for 7 weeks. It was published a year later when she returned to the United States in 1937. This was during the Harlem Renaissance. Her audience was not only other African Americans, but also whites. It was very popular years after it was written when Alice Walker reintroduced Hurston to society. The story discusses love and finding your identity, as well as overcoming hardships. Janie Crawford is the speaker; she is African American and very independent. The tone of the novel is sympathetic and also joyful.

  5. Zora Neale Hurtson was a women born in Alabama who published the famous piece of work, Their Eyes Were Watching God. It took Zora Neale Hurtson only seven weeks to write Their Eyes Were Watching God. Hurtson took an important role during the Harlem Renaissance, 1900s. The audience was of course those of the time in which the Harlem Renaissance took place yet also to the modern day American who seems to continue having similar problems. The story line itself follows the life of Janie Crawford, she was a colored woman searching for true love and who she truly is. The novel is narrated from third person point of view. Their Eyes Were Watching God's tone is affirming.

    1. How did Zora Neale Hurtson manage to pull it off, writing the book in 7 weeks? And why did people not realize how brilliant the book was?

  6. Their eyes were watching God was written by Zora Neale Hurtson in 1937.It took Hurtson seven weeks to write the book in Haiti.Zora took an important role in the Harlem Renaissance.The audience were the people of the Harlem Renaissance and todays public.The main character/narrator is Janie Crawford. Janie is a colored woman and she sets out to find love and her destiny/identity.

    Paige Furrie

    1. why did Zora write the dialogue the she did.

  7. Zora Neal Hurston was from Florida, but lived in New York during the Harlem Renaissance, taking place in the 1920 era. She wrote Their Eyes Were Watching God while in Haiti during a 7 week time span. This novel covers the life and times of Janie Crawford, a woman seeking the meaning of true identity and true love. The purpose of this novel is to reveal to the readers of the novel that the hardships Janie faces are not only relevant to people during the Harlem Renaissance but also to more contemporary societies. Hurston has a tone that is in a sense, celebrating the gender and race of the novel's subject.
    -Madeline Lutz

  8. What's amazing to me is that Zora Neale Hurston published this great piece of novel in seven weeks ! Looks like I'm not the only one who was amazed because in the Foreword someone said they were as well. Janie Crawford is the main character in the story. Her lover's name is Tea Cake Woods. I believe their are ironic names, such as Phoeby. She writes this book in Haiti, which leads me to think that maybe she wrote this novel applying the story to one near. I believe the people around her really influenced on her book. She really brings in real life situations by using dialect to show how everyday people are, not Ebonics. (HAHAHAHAHA just had to say that miss...)It seems to be a very interesting book. Can't wait to get started (:

    - Zeussypoo Out.

  9. Zora Neale Hurston wrote the famous novel Their Eyes Were Watching God in Haiti during the 1930's in only 7 weeks. Hurston was an important figure during the Harlem Renaissance. The audience were the people of the Harlem Renaissance and todays socitey because some people can still relate to the situations.It is about a colored girl Janie Crawford that is seeking true love and her true identity. The novel is written in third person point of view. The tone that Hurston uses for the book is sympathetic and affirming.

    Tamara Suggs

    1. Discussion questio: How did Zora write this book in 7 weeks and why was it no popular when it was written?

      Tamara Suggs

  10. Zora Neale Hurston grew up in Florida. She wrote her novel Their Eyes Were Watching God while she was in Haiti. The novel only took her seven weeks to complete. This novel is about a woman seeking true love and her true identity as well. Their Eyes Were Watching God was published in 1937. It combines both African American culture and women.

    -Aaron Love

  11. In 1937, Zora Neal Hurston wrote her famous novel Their Eyes Were Watching God. The novel only took her about seven weeks to write while she was staying in Haiti! The novel is a black woman trying to find her true love while trying to find her true identity. I guess it kind of like soul searching. It combines both the branching out of women writers and African American writers.

  12. In 1937 Zora Neal Hurston wrote the novel The Eyes Were Watching God. The novel took seven weeks to complete while Hurston visited Haiti. The novel is about an African American woman trying to find herself as well as true love. This novel much like many other novels is centered around God.
    It has been really hard to read because of all the Ebonics.
    (J. C. Perks I had to.)

  13. Zora Neal Hurston's novel is about a women, Janie Crawford, searching for love. Hurston wrote this novel in aftermath of the Great Depression and her book was criticized because all other books at the time were mainly about politics. Hurston wrote this novel while she was in Haiti. Most people assume that Hurston wrote this book solely for A.A women but her book is relatable to almost any one who has had struggles in their life. The novel is written in third person omniscient because the narrator knows all of the characters thoughts. Hurston's main tone in the novel is sympathetic but also assertive at times.

    My discussion question is "Why do you think that nobody at that time is was published truly appreciated Hurston's novel?"

  14. Zora Hurston's novel, The Eyes Were Watching God, was written during a seven week travel to Haiti in 1937. The novel is above a woman named Janie Crawford in a pursuit for true love while staying true to herself. The book wasn't well received due to being written during the Great Depression along with the "scathing reviews" from Richard Wright, claiming it not to be "serious fiction" (SparkNotes). I'm really not sure what else to add. The slang/style of speech in it looks rather tough to read, I guess?

    My question would be: "Why wasn't the book as well received as it could've been?



  15. Zora Neal Hurston wrote The Eyes Were Watching God in 1937, which was written during Hurston's seven week travel to Haiti. It occurred in the early 1900s during the Harlem Renaissance. The novel is about a women named Janie Crawford. Janie searches for true love and herself in the novel. Hurston wrote this novel so people could see her struggles and the troubles during the Harlem Renaissance. The novel is in third person omniscient. The tone of the novel is sypathetic because it makes you feel sorry for Hurston.

    Discussion question: Why do you think the novel was so frowned upon after it was published?

    -Erin Pickens

  16. Zora Hurston wrote the novel 'The Eyes Were Watching God" in 1937 during a trip to Haiti. This one a major novel during the Renaissance in Harlem. The book is about a women who is searching for love during the horrible economic time during the Harlem Renaissance. She wrote this because it shows the struggles during this time through logos and context. The novel is third person omniscient with a tone of sympathy because it makes you feel sad and depressed for Hurston.

    How do you think this made people feel when it was popular after it came out?

    -Garrett Wilson

  17. Published in 1937 Their Eyes Were Watching God was written by Zora Neale Hurston. Zora wrote the novel in seven weeks while she was in Haiti. This is Zora's most famous novel. Zora also played an great part in the Harlem Renaissance. The audience of Their Eyes Were Watching God is the people of the Harlem Renaissance and also whites. The book is told in the voice of a woman who rfuses to live in fear and sorrow. This novel is written in third personand the tone of the novel varies.
    -Cullen Boyette

  18. Their Eyes Were Watching God was written by Zora Neale Hurtson. The novel is about a woman finding true love and herself. The novel's subject occurred in the early 1900s during the Harlem Renaissance. Published in 1937. Zora also played a great part in the Harlem Renaissance.
    Nicholas McCullen

  19. Discussion Question:
    Why was this novel not popular with many people?

  20. Their eyes Were Watching God is novel written by Zora Neale Hurston. She played a prominent role in the Harlem Renaissance. The novel was written in 7 weeks in Haiti and was published in 1937.The book explains the life of Janie Crawford, a black woman in search of true loveand her true self. The setting is the slave culture of the southern U.S. The tone is appreciation and joyous celebration of the richness of African American culture. I am looking forward in reading this book. I like reading on experiences that people have actually overcome. I wonder how many other interesting stories are out there that have not been published?
    - Jennifer Orellana

  21. DISCUSSION QUESTION: How do the events in Zora's life contribute to her different writings? In what way do they shape the dialect she uses in Their Eyes Were Watching God?
    -Madeline Lutz

  22. In 1937 Their Eyes Were Watching God was written by Zora Neale Hurston. In her seven week time in Haiti she wrote this famous piece of work. Hurston played a huge part during the Harlem Renaissance by showing in her book about her time in New York and how she refuses to live in fear and sorrow. Her book relates to anyone that has struggles in their life.The book is written in third person because the narrator knows all of the characters thoughts.The main tone is sympathetic but assertive sometimes.

    Discussion Question: Why was this book so frowned upon after being published?

    -Tyler Farley

  23. Discussion question: What inspired Zora to write this novel?
    -Cullen Boyette

  24. Their Eyes Were Watching God was a novel written by Zora Neale Hurtson. It was published in 1937. She wrote this book in a seven week period while on a trip to Haiti. The book is about Janie Crawford and her life. She was a woman seeking true love and the meaning of a true identity. The purpose of this novel is to show readers how the hardships Janie faced in the Harlem Renaissance can relate to hardships we face today. The audience of Their Eyes Were Watching God are the people of the Harlem Renaissance who enjoy art and culture. The tone Hurtson portrays is appreciation and celebration of the African-American culture. Her tone is also compassionate towards all the characters in the novel.

    What inspired Zora to write this novel while in Haiti?

    -Meghan Baker

  25. Discusson: Why do people not care as much for the novel, was it because the writer was African American?

  26. Zora Neal Hurston is an Afican American Author who wrote the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God. In a time period of seven weeks in Haiti Hurston was able to write this novel. As Hurston being an Afican American writer in the Harlem Renaissance and being raised in Florida she has many experiences and inspirations for the content of her novel. The audience for her novel most likely Afican Americans around that time and for anyone who had went through tragedy. The novel was publisehd in 1937 but the book will keep being read for generations.

    -AJ Giles :)

  27. The novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, written by Zora Neale Hurston, was published in 1937. Hurston wrote the novel in seven weeks while in Haiti. She played a significant role to the Harlem Renaissance, due to this book and her strong female role. The audience of Their Eyes Were Watching God is the people of the Harlem Renaissance and as well as the whites. The book is told from the viewpoint of a woman who chooses not to live in fear and sorrow. Hurston’s tone is one of profound appreciation and celebration of the affluence of African-American culture. While the black vernacular is more a stylistic choice than one of tone, the very presence of it is evident that Hurston considered it something special.


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