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Monday, November 26, 2012

1. Devil's Arithmetic Vocabulary

Choose ONE of your vocabulary terms for this week and look up where it has been used in a famous book, movie, play, poem, or by a famous person. Explain where your word has been used in the real world. You may also paste links to examples. Be sure to include your word's definition.

Example: resilient - adj. strong in the face of hard times; able to bounce back after great trial or suffering. Bern Williams once said, "Man never made any material as resilient as the human spirit." This man was an outfielder for the NY Yankees and is a Puerto Rican musician. Although he is very different than the subject of this novel, the theme is still true: all people go through trials that prove their resilience. 


  1. Decreed: The word decreed apears on the movie "Harry Potter Wiki" when the new teacher comes and start working in the magic school and make a lot of new rules of what the students can and can't do in the school.

  2. Holocaust -
    1. A great or complete devastation or destruction, especially by fire.
    2. A sacrifice completely consumed by fire; burnt offering.
    3. (Usually initial capital letter) the systematic mass slaughter of European Jews in Nazi concentration camps during World War II.
    4. Any mass slaughter or reckless destruction of life.

    Hitler: The Rise of Evil is a Canadian TV miniseries in two parts, directed by Christian Duguay and produced by Alliance Atlantis. It explores Adolf Hitler's rise and his early consolidation of power during the years after World War I and focuses on how the embittered, politically fragmented and economically buffeted state of German society following the war made that ascent possible. The film also focuses on Ernst Hanfstaengl's influence on Hitler's rise to power. The miniseries, which premiered simultaneously in May 2003 on CBC in Canada and CBS in the United States, received two Emmy awards, for Art Direction and Sound Editing.

    Genocide means trying to destroy a group which is or is similar to an ethnic group or a religious group by killing its members.

    Some people do not agree that all of these events are genocides, but the events listed here are recognized as genocides by many people.

    20th Century -

    Herero and Namaqua Genocide
    Japanese occupation of Korea
    Armenian Genocide
    Sudanese Civil War
    Cambodian Genocide
    Rwandan Genocide
    Srebrenica Massacre
    Khojaly Massacre

    21st century -

    Century Darfur conflict

  3. Cloying-Adj. disgusting or distasteful by reason or excess; also excessively sweet or sentimental.

    -I would rather
    Sit under the
    Lemon tree
    Then listen
    To your
    Honey poison.
    Like rotting blooms
    And old perfume
    Your words
    Meaning nothing
    Under the layer
    Of silk and rainbows.
    Instead I will
    Plunge into
    The salt water
    And tangle in
    The black seaweed
    And bitter waves
    And drown there.
    -Jesenia Hernandez

  4. Exodus:(noun)A going out; a departure or emigration,usually of a large number of people.Exodus is one of the chapters of the bible. This is when the Hebrews fled from Egypt.

  5. Lucid , in the movie Inception the dreams the main character is having are called Lucid Dreams, meaning a dream in which one is aware that they're dreaming. In the dream the dreamer may be able to exert a degree of control over their participation within the dream or be able to manipulate their imaginary experiences within their dream.

  6. Desecrate-violent disrespect

    In the movie of the book the people in the camp are desecrated and treat horrible.

  7. exodus :A mass departure of people, esp. emigrants.
    Exodus happen in a movie called GOAL. Its a soccer movie where the main character's parents immigrated to the U.S for a better life.The kid plays soccer and it happen that one day a recruiter happen to see him , and the young kid became a pro soccer player.


  8. Lucid: Expressed clearly; easy to understand.
    "Never be lucid, never state, if you would be regarded great."
    - Jasmine Rubio

  9. Holocaust-a great or complete devastation or destruction, especially by fire.
    Europa, Europa
    This drama was based on the true story of a young German Jew who survived the Holocaust by falling in with the Nazis.In 1938, a group of Nazis attack Solomon's family home; his sister is killed, and 13-year-old Solomon flees to Poland.

  10. In this movie called "Get Rich Or Die Trying" there is harsh killing all about money. This is like a holocaust because drug dealers would go into other drug dealer homes & put gas all threw their house and burn them up and leave . & they did that to become on top of everyone & rule every drug reaction around the city .

  11. desecrate-treat with violent disrespect

    the movie superman 5 the people from outer space are mean to all the human being and dreat them with desecrate

    Lee Norris

  12. Exodus-A mass departure of people. The Hebrews were slaves of the Egyptian pharaoh. Moses freed them and that is in the book of Exodus.

  13. Holocaust-Noun; a wide spread destruction.
    Holocaust means sacrificed by fire.

    The Holocaust was devastating to many people. Millions of people died in this massacre.

    There were many of masscres and it could happen again because people dont unite as one.

  14. ex·o·dus/

    A mass departure of people, esp. emigrants.
    Christopher Murchison

  15. Exodus- mass escape of people

    In the movie alcatraz their is a mass escape of prisoners from a prison that is supposedly a escape free prison!!! :0

  16. Exodus: a going out; a departure or emigration, usually of a large number of people.

    Movie: Exodus.

    The theme is the founding of the state of Israel. The action begins on a ship filled with Jewish immigrants bound for Israel who are being off loaded on Cyprus. An Intelligence officer succeeds in getting them back on board their ship only to have the harbor blocked by the British with whom they must negotiate. The second part of the film is about the situation in Israel as independence is declared and most of their neighbors attack them.

    -Erwin G.

  17. Exodus:an escape or departure of many people

    During slavery around 1849 Harriet Tubman successfully ran away , but was able to return to resuce both family member's and non-family memebers from the plantation system.She became one of the most famous conductor's on the Undergrond Railroad, taking part working with the Union Forces during the Civil War.

  18. Lucid- Transparent; easily understood; clear.

    Marilyn French - “Well, love is insanity. The ancient Greeks knew that. It is the taking over of a rational and lucid mind by delusion and self-destruction. You lose yourself, you have no power over yourself, you can't even think straight.”
    _ashlee caitlyn_


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