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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

1. Oedipus Vocabulary

Choose ONE of your vocabulary terms for this week and look up where it has been used in a famous book, movie, play, poem, or by a famous person. Explain where your word has been used in the real world. You may also paste links to examples. Be sure to include your word's definition. 

Here is an example of hubris - extreme pride or arrogance that becomes a tragic flaw if left unchecked. 


  1. Infamous - adj. having an extremely bad reputation: an infamous city.

    Infamous, stylized as inFAMOUS, is an open world action-adventure game for the PlayStation 3. It was developed by Sucker Punch Productions and published by Sony Computer Entertainment, released internationally in May and June 2009.

    In Infamous, the player controls the protagonist Cole MacGrath, a bike messenger caught in the center of an explosion that devastates several city blocks of the fictional Empire City. The explosion sends the city into chaos while Cole finds himself with new electricity-based super powers. Though the game's story follows Cole using his new abilities to restore some semblance of order to Empire City, the player is given several opportunities to use these powers for good or evil purposes in the game's Karma system. These choices ultimately affect character growth, the reaction of the City's populace towards Cole, and finer elements of gameplay and the story.

    Since infamous means 'bad reputation',it is a good name for the game because you can earn a bad reputation in the game, but you can also gain a good reputation depending on how you play it, which is why they stylized it as inFAMOUS.

  2. An example of dramatic irony- is in the play of Romeo and Juliet its when Juliet drink the portion that would make her look like death but instead she was going to be sleeping. Then Romeo went to her grave and he though that she was death and drink poison to kill him self. Finally at the end they both die.

  3. An example of fettered would be in rice without rain when the prisoners in jail were chained up and wasn't freed until they were dead.-Makalah Mclean


    reverence- a feeling or attitude of deep respect,honer
    an example is Flicka a girl is trying to prove to her dad that she can run a ranch and a horse named Flicka helped her find her honor and get respect from her father.

    Cynthia C.

  5. An example of beneficent would be recycling ; this is helping out in the community and it is doing good.-Jale'a

  6. When Aristotle immortalized the term hubris, he could well have been talking about Sean Graney, the experimental Chicago theater director who, this fall, decided to adapt and stage not one Sophoclean drama, but all seven at once.”
    News -

    lee norris

  7. -This is a poem that incorporates motives. Motives means a reason for doing something.

    -I am often amused by those,
    Who insist to others they know who I am
    To then say,
    I am not being myself
    As they try to explain obvious contradictions,
    In their depictions that never seem to fit.
    While those who do know me
    Respect and comprehend my motives totally.
    -By: Lawrence S. Pertillar
    -Jesenia Hernandez

  8. Verbal Irony occurs where the writer says one thing but conveys an entirely different meaning.In shakespeare's play Othello verbal irony is used throughout it. Othello uses it when he says things opposite of what Lago says or is meaning.,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg

    -Taheisha Bethea


    Verbal Irony

  10. An example of Dramatic irony is in a long way gone. When the rebels came to town. The recruiting the rebels were trying to do.

  11. Reverence means to show great respect! And this quote idiosyncratically tells you what reverence is. "It is not sufficient to be worthy of respect in order to be respected" Said by Alfred Nobel. And the quote mainly tells how you should judt repect others that relly has a good reason to , and not just because their good at that one thing .

  12. An example of dramatic irony is in the movie titanic. It's dramatic because he dies out in the cold ocean, but the girl escapes. It's dramatic not because of the deaths but the tragedy leading up to it. Many people lost their lives and were in a very chaotic and dramatic state before death.

    Dramatic irony- irony that is seen by the audience but not grasped by the characters...

  13. A example of dramatic irony was in Romeo and Juliet. It's dramatic because at one point Juliet drinks a potion that will make her feel as if she was dead for 42 hours. It made her look dead to all, but Romeo sees his poor Juliet playing dead and so he thinks shes dead so he drinks some posion so they can be together but Romeo dies right before Juliet wakes up and shes so happy shes awake until she sees Romeos dead and she kills herself. The storys really a tragedy but the dramatic stuff leads up to it little by little

    Dramatic Irony-irony that occurs when the meaning of the situation is understood by the audience but not by the characters in the play

    -Austin Drzewicki

  14. Infamous- Adjective; Well known for some bad quality or deed

    Ex.When someone constantly doing bad things, like stealing, and other wrong things. They set a bad reputation for themselves.


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