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Monday, November 26, 2012

Love Letters to Strangers

After viewing the TED Talk, write your own love letter. Then post a comment with how it felt to write this anonymous letter. 

This letter writing assignment is required for AVIDears and recommended for AP and English II. 

By writing all the things we want to hear, did it empower you to look for what you deserve in relationships more? 

How would it feel to get your letter?

Here is a link to Hannah Brencher's site for more info on what do with the letters and how to write them: moreloveletters


  1. Writing a Love Letter to a stranger was a little bit strange, but it felt worthy at the end. My letter was given to a person on my bus. It seemed as if his mouth grew a foot by reading it. My letter wasn't much lovable but it was great in a fun way. I really like the Love Letter ideas.

  2. Writing Love Letters to strangers?

    Odd at first but it felt good to help someone make there day better and brighter. My letter is being left in the 500 hall bathroom on the mirror. I actually like the idea of Love Letters, it sounds awesome.

  3. Writing a Love Letter at first was unusual, but even though i haven't decided who to give it to i know that his eyes with go big and have that nice big smile. It makes me feel like a better person knowing that i made somebody's day. It makes me smile.


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