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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

1. Vocabulary 13 - English 2

You know the drill...same as last week. Post a comment that is a virtual vocabulary presentation based on words for Devil's Arithmetic

This post is due by Friday, December 7th. 

This picture is of a girl suffering from post traumatic stress disorder after the Holocaust. They asked her to draw "home."  This is an example of the intensity (noun - exceptionally great concentration, power, or force) of the atrocities that took place during that time. 


  1. synagogue- a building where jews have assembly or congregation meetings for religious obsevations and instruction. below is a example of what a synagogue would look like.

  2. allusion: allusion appear in the play of Romeo and Juliet
    example: One is in Act I scene iv, a reference to Cupid, the Roman god of love who shoots mortals with his bow and arrow to make them fall in love.

  3. Distinguish -
    To recognize as distinct or different; recognize the salient or individual features or characteristics of: It is hard to distinguish her from her twin sister.

    : distinguish between combatant and noncombatants.

    Combatants can be killed by military forces. Noncombatants have to be protected as much as possible- they cannot be purposely killed by military forces.

  4. Synagogue. N. - Building where a Jewish assembly or congregation meets for religious observance and instructions.

    Link to pictures of a Synagogue
    -Jesenia Hernandez

  5. Distinguish- to mark off as something different,to recognize as distinct or different; recognize the salient or individual features or characteristics
    They sometimes used the nose of the Jews to find them and put stars on them so they know what they are

  6. Uproar N.Aloud and Impassioned noise or disturbance.
    A uproar is like a baby screaming and crying or a toddler throwing a tantrum or a mother going into labor.

  7. Uproar: a state of violent and noisy disturbance

    At school now in days , especially in highschool there are many uproars from students and teachers ; from the simple fact there are always fights.

    -Jale'a Worthy

  8. allusion--pratice of makeing such reference(noun)

    Chris Murchison

  9. allusion: allusion appear in the play of Romeo and Juliet
    example: One is in Act I scene iv, a reference to Cupid, the Roman god of love who shoots mortals with his bow and arrow to make them fall in love. This is the allusion in literature not like an optical allusion..

  10. Assent-Noun; The expression of approval or agreement

    People without confidence in themselves look for approval from others. They feel like they have to fit in and change whom they are to be recognized.

  11. involuntary: not subject to control of the volition .

    As of the book "Devil's Arthmetic" the innocent jews had to give up all their gold .

  12. Uproar: a state of violent and noisy disturbance

    In the camps there were alot of uproars because of peoplle screaming that were being killed

    Lee Norris

  13. Uproar: State of violent and noisy disturbance

    In the army there is a lot of Uproar because you have People screaming at you and there is a lot of violent acts.

  14. Synagogue-The building where a Jewish assembly or congregation meets for religious observance and instruction. Such a Jewish assembly or congregation.

  15. Allusion-Noun; a reference to a well known person or place

    Example-J.K. Rowling often includes allusions to the Bible in the Harry Potter series by depicting Harry as the Saviour of the Wizarding World.


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