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Monday, December 10, 2012

AP. Shakespeare's Othello

Post a comment with your first impressions of the play, Shakespeare, etc. Also post information (in your own words) about the Bard or Othello. This is due Tuesday. I am expecting a good paragraph at minimum. 

Link to full text of William  Shakespeare's Othello. 


  1. When we first began reading Othello in class, I felt completely lost. I did not know what was going on in the beginning until you explained it. The comprehensive vocabulary Shakespeare used was very complicated, at least for us these days. In that time period in which the play was written and published everyone seemed to talk with that extensive vocabulary. Shakespeare play, Othello, was first performed on November 1, 1604. Shakespeare wrote many tragedies with his many famous works. In act 1 of scene 1 of Othello, it starts off with Roderigo and Iago arguing. Roderigo likes and is after Desdemona. Throughout his attempt, Iago is trying win her hand. Desdemona ends up taking Othello’s hand instead, the protagonist of the play. Desdemona is the daughter of Brabanzio (he dislikes Othello).

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Once the class began reading Othello, I made sure that I was giving full attention to detail because of the complex literature that Shakespeare wrote. Shakespeare said very simple elements of his work in a very different language we use today. Shakespeare shocked Europe when this play was first viewed because of a lack thespian that he used in. It was common that the the thespians of the time were white. The play Othello went along with the tragedies that Shakespeare wrote in the 1600's. Like many of his tragedies, Othello involves a woman that is loved by multiple men and one of them probably died at the end of the story. I can't wait to finish reading this work.

  4. Othello was interesting, to say at the very least. Without concentrated attention to the dialogue, hints and subtle foreshadowing, such as Iago's true nature, can easily be missed. Honestly, I forced myself to reread up to where we discontinued in class out of fear of missing such things. Shakespeare's diction for this play is, as JCP (if we may refer to you as that, if not, then I'll change that) put it this morning, "quick witted." The characters speak on an elevated level, even for something taking place in the 1600s. Quick examples, without analysis, of this are the plethora of insults found even in the first scene of Act 1.

    Shakespeare is duly named the Bard of Avon -- Avon being the town he was born and raised (not to make an allusion to the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air) -- along with the unofficial national poet of England. This is great and all, but it can lead some to the following question: what exactly is a bard? I happen to prefer the verb definition, myself -- that being, to cover in bacon (amazing, right?) -- however that's just me. If you want something more serious, then a bard, in its modern definition refers to a revered poet, something that Shakespeare most definitively was, is, and more likely than not will continue to be.

    If anything else is needed, just let me know I'll add, comment, or edit.

    1. You are allowed to call me JCP :)

      The word "bard" is an ancient Gaelic term meaning "poet." In medieval England, Irleand, Scotland and Wales, bards were traveling poets who performed stories in exchange for money. Shakespeare is called The Bard because he is considered the greatest poet the world has ever known.

  5. The language used in Othello is extremely difficult to get used to. Shakespeare made up a lot of words that were added to our English Dictionary. I had no idea about anything that was happening in the play because of the way Shakespeare's characters express themselves. It really helped a lot when you explained the parts in class after we read them. Othello was first performed in the early sixteen hundreds. I look forward to reading the rest of this play because I cannot wait to see what happens.
    -Aaron Love

  6. My first impression of the play was that it's very archaic writing although it was everyday language during the Renaissance. Particular terms they used also have decayed in popularity and are difficult to understand. I believe that Shakespeare has a great writing style but it's hard to comprehend what's going on when I don't understand what I'm reading. I also find it very interesting that this is his only work in which a colored person is a main character. I wouldn't expect that to be true out of all the works he has written. I am curious as to the significance of Othello being colored versus a white man like Shakespeare's other works.
    -Ana Mitchell

    1. Good! Say "person of color."

  7. It was difficult for me to follow the play because of the language used during Shakespeare's time period. From what I could understand, I was surprised at the things being said. Othello is about jealousy and suspicion. It also greatly involves racism which Othello faces throughout the story. I hope I become less confused as the story progresses.

  8. I like Othello already. Shakespeare, obviously, is very witty and satirical. I enjoy the characters and how their qualities fit perfectly with the theme. As I was researching Othello I found that it is a tragedy believed to have been written in 1603. It is adapted from the Italian short story Un Capitano Moro ("A Moorish Captain") by Cinthio, first published in 1565.

  9. Othello is a tragic play written by William Shakesphere in 1603. What surprises me about this tragedy is the protagonist being of color. So far there is some jealousy with Othello by Iago. The father (Barbantio) disapproves of his daughter and Othello being together. I think that what mostly gets the attention of the audience is the protagonist. The faces of the audience watching this play for the first time must have been priceless when seeing a white woman on stage with a person of color. When reading any play of Shakesphere, it is always fun to read because of his of the words and the meaning behind them all. Sometimes it can’t be clearly understood but it’s enough to get an idea of what it might be. I can’t wait to read the end!
    -Jennifer Orellana

  10. At first in Othello I was a little lost, but I understood after we stopped for a minute and discussed what we had just read. The words in Othello were complicated compared to the kind of speech we use today. Othello was written in the 1600’s. It’s interesting how Othello is the only play written with a black main character. The themes in Othello are racism, love, jealousy, and betrayal. I like Shakespeare’s cleverness in the way he writes Othello. I also like the insults Shakespeare uses. I look forward to reading the rest of the play.
    --Paige Furrie

  11. Shakespeare's Othello is a very interesting, to say the least. The language used is very archaic, but when analyzed further, it is actually pretty funny. The only other Shakespeare play i recall reading is Romeo and Juliet. Although this is supposed to be some sort of awesome text in history, i thought it was very dull. My hope is that Othello will not be the same way. Even though the main character, Othello, has not yet been introduced, I think it is interesting how he is a black man with the lead in the time period in which this was written. It would have been very uncommon to see such a lead. I also like how Iago was flat out about how he is a two faced person, just in the 1 scene. This way there is no doubt among the audience about his character. He is clearly defined as an antagonist.

  12. I thought Othello was very interesting. I had a little trouble understanding the language at first, but I was able to figure out what it meant after a while. This is the first time I have ever read this play. The only play I have read by William Shakespeare before this one was Romeo and Juliet. I found it interesting that the main character, Othello, is a black man. I want to see how Othello really is, instead of how he was judged in Act 1, Scene 1. I thought it was entertaining when the class used insults by Shakespeare and argued with each other. I am ready to learn more about this play.

  13. In class when we first started to read Othello, it was difficult to comprehend. The language that he used is different than in todays socitey. In the play they don't just come out and say what they want, you have to infer by using context clues . Most of the words and phrases used in the play, we use them in our everyday language. Othello was a tragic play written by William Shakespeare in 1603. There are many different themes in the play such as love, racism and betrayal. It may be hard to read but it still is interesting and I can't wait to see what happens next.

    Tamara Suggs

  14. My first impression on the play Othello is that everyone likes to say mean things behind eachothers back. Also Iago is a meniachal instagator. Also he matephorically says that he is two-faced. I thought that was hilarious! In Othello i see a whole different side of Shakespeare. The english mastermind has opened up his audience to a series of adult content. I cant wait to see what the rest of the play has in stored!

    -AJ Giles

  15. When we first started reasding Othello I was very intrigued by the language as well as the content. I tried to pay close attention to make sure I understood what it was saying. I enjoyed the activity we did with the Shakespearean insults. It lighened the mood after hearing the word "Shakespeare", which scared me at first since I haven't had very much experience with Shakespeare other than Romeo and Juliet. I am very interested in how this play is going to turn out. I enjoyed reading it as a class because I understood it better. I liked how we pointed out certain quotes that I would of normally skipped right over. Seeing the sayings that are still used in modern times helps me understand the play a lot better.

  16. My first impression of Shakespeare's play, Othello, was the dialect was interesting and different, but easy to follow, figure out, and keep up with. From the beginning you can infer that there will be a dramatic twist at the ending. The play had me very curious as to what would happen next. There was a lot of content and information just in the first scene. Tons of direct characterization and indirect characterization can be made. I liked being able to do the insults activity because it got me in the Shakespeare mentality and also it was fun. Can't wait to see what happens with Iago, Roderigo, Brabantio, and Barbantio's daughter.

  17. My first impression of Othello was that I had no idea what the characters were saying. I realized that you really have to pay attention to what the characters are saying and actually think about it. I thought that the play had some very good lines in it, like when they told that man Othello was sleeping with his dauighter. If we were not reading it together I'm not sure that I would have been able to pick up on all of Shapespeare's brilliant lines. Throughout Shakespear's life he wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets. He was born in Aril 1564 and died at the ripe age of 52. He had seven siblings and married and had three children himself.

    -Emily Berry

  18. My first impression of Othello was that it is somewhat comfusing.The character's dielct and the way the play is written is hard to understand. You really have to pay attention to know what is going on. I have read Romeo and Juliet so maybe having experience with another play written by Shakespear will help me better comprehend this one. Othello has not been introduced to the audience yet, but I am excited to see what will happen. I find it interesting that Othello is a black man and the lead of the play because that was unheard of back then. I am excited to continue the play and see what happens!

    -Erin Pickens

  19. My first impression of Othello was that it was very confusing, but as you started explaining it, i really understood. The way they speak throughout the play is very confusing and it was soft of hard to follow.In my previous english classes i have read Romeo and Juliet and that was my only other exposure to Shakespeare i have had previously. Othello has not been introduced within the play yet and im really interested to see what will happen. It is really appealing to me that Othello is black because at that time that Shakespeare lived it was not common to have colored people in your play, at all. Im really excited to continue reading and see what the outcome of he play is.


  20. The language used in Othello is extremely difficult to get used to. Shakespeare invented up a lot of words that were added to our English Dictionary. I had no idea about anything that was happening in the play because of the way Shakespeare's characters express themselves. It helped when you stopped and explained the individual parts of the play. Othello was first performed in the early 16 hundreds. I'm excited to read the rest of the play.

    Nicholas McCullen

  21. My first incounter with Shakespeare's Othello was just as any Shakespeare story, extremely difficult to read and transfer to our regular English language. He creates words that a little ki would tend to say for playing around. Othello was first seen by people in the 1500s. In this time priod, many people could interpret Shakespeare language. He was very brillant and connects the regular English language into a very puzzled like story, with connections to other things.

    - Zuessypoo Out

  22. Othello is interesting to read. Once i got over the invented words it wasn't that hard to understand. Iago is a bad person but my favorite character so far. At first i thought I knew what was going on, but when you stopped and explained it I had a totally different idea. I can't wait to see how it ends.


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