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Monday, December 10, 2012

1. Vocab 14 for Holocaust

Post a comment with a real life example and the definition of one of your words this week. 

My example: preamble - n. an introductory statement. The Constitution has a preamble...


  1. Sonorous: capable of giving a loud deep sound

    When most men sleep they are able to give a sonorous sound from snoring so deep and loud. -Jale'a Worthy

  2. Liberate - verb. To set free, as from imprisonment or bondage.

    Since electricity has been invented, it has liberated farmers from hours of back-breaking chores.

  3. Irony: when you expect something to happen in a movie but something to happen but suddenly something else happens that you didn't expected to happen.

    example: I the novel of Fahrenheit 451 is when Mildred's continual reference to the actors performing on the TV walls as her "Family".

  4. Irony-when you expect something to happen in a movie but something to happen but suddenly something else happens that you didn't expected to happen.

  5. Liberated-To set free, as from oppression,confinement or foreign control.
    Just like today our strong soliders of the United States are fighting for us to have freedom in our country.

  6. Remnants-Noun: a small remaining quantity of something

    Ex. After everyone eats for Thanksgiving often there is only remnants.

  7. Remnants-Noun: a small remaining quantity of something

    Like whenever you find dinosaurs bones those are remnants.

    -Edson Cejudo

  8. liberated-to set free, as from imprisonment or bondage.

    -Erwin G.

  9. Reluctantly - Unwilling to do something.
    Ex. The student reluctantly did his homework after his mother had threatened to punish him if he didn't do it.
    -Jesenia Hernandez

  10. commandant-(n)the officer in charge of a place
    if you ever seen Hogan's Heroes it's a TV series about the inmates of a German World War II.
    they have a Werner Klemperer one of the cast members

    Cynthia Coleman

  11. Liberate - verb. To set free, as from imprisonment or bondage

    when people get released from prision they are liberate

    Lee Norris

  12. Irony: when you expect something to happen in a movie but something to happen but suddenly something else happens that you didn't expected to happen!!! Like your thinking about something and then it happens!!! <3


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