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Monday, February 11, 2013

Honors Adv. Composition. Feature Article Hunt

The cover of this magazine is advertising a feature article entitled "What makes us human?"  A catchy headline is the key to a good lead and what makes good feature writing. Aren't you intrigued? 

Now that we have introduced the characteristics of a feature article, your job is to find one example and paste a link to it in a comment. Include a brief summary of your article, its headline, and which category of feature article in which yours falls:

Categories of Feature Articles 

  • human interest
  • personality profile (which will look different than a biography)
  • "the best" article
  • trend story
  • "how to" feature
  • past events
  • in-depth informational story
Remember, feature articles should also include some catchy text features like captions, polls, pictures, etc. 

Refer to your packet if you are confused. Happy hunting! 

Example: The title/headline of my article is "Are You Stupid?" It is an in-depth informational story about learning disabilities. Here is the link -


  1. I found a personality profile on the owner of a local grocery store in South Carolina. It did not have a creative title, but it was fairly good. It was called "Sample Feature Article -- Local Personality Profile." It used many quotes and details that would capture readers' attention.

  2. Headline- Will Scientists Ever Be Able To Piece Together Humanities Early Origins?


    Summary- In 1974 scientists dug up a new species that they believe to be one of our ancestors. According to its bone structure it was one meter tall and walked on two legs. They named the creature "Lucy" while its scientific name is Australopithecus afarensis and it was believed to live 3.2 million years ago. The significance of Lucy's existence is that it clears up views of human evolution. While scientists use to believe that in human evolution there were many different branches; Lucy and some other bi-pedaling organisms suggest that human evolution was a lone line of evolving creatures.

    Type of Feature- Past Events

  3. The title/headline of this article is the importance of special teams in the NFL and college football. It talks about how special teams go not talked about about in big games like the Super Bowl for example. It is an informational article.


    I choose this because i like basketball, and Rondo is one of my favorite players. Rondo and Humphries had got into a brawl at halftime one basketball game.


    Chipper Jones has had an amazing nineteen year career with the Atlanta Braves. He will be entered into the hall of fame within the next few seasons. He retired after the 2012 season. He made his Major League debut in 1995 with the Braves. In his rookie season the Atlanta Braves beat the Cleveland Indians to win the world series. The Braves lead by Chipper won ten straight division titles. In my opinion Chipper Jones is the best baseball player in the history of the sport.

  6. Driven to Worry, and to Procrastinate is the title,
    since time has began people tend to wait and hold there work off till the next day or even later. In the world of procrastination it has expensive and visible costs. So its best to do the work it's given so you don't turn it in late.

  7. I found a article on president Obama signing a law to band all crush videos. Crush films are videos of animals being crushed by being stepped on. Jeff Vilencia is the director of these films. The law that Obama passed stated, if you were to break the law by sailing and marketing these specific videos you would face penalties of up to seven years in prison. These videos of women and men stepping on these incent animals that had did nothing to them was meant to intertan the viewers.

  8. Headline- Video Game Addiction No Fun

    I choose this article because i love to play video games. Compulsive video gaming is a modern-day psychological disorder that experts tell WebMD is becoming more and more popular. Teenagers and young adults admit they are powerless to there addiction.
    Type of feature- Human Interest


    This article is a "How-to" article. It teaches men four different ways to tie a tie by themselves. The article goes step-by-step on how to tie the perfect tie. With each type of tie there is also a video to go along with them.

  10. Persuasion is a process aimed at changing a person's or a group's behavior about some event, idea, object, or other people. You do this by using written or spoken words to change your feelings, or reasoning about something.Persuasion is also used as tool t get personal gain.


    I chose this event because I love clothes and fashion, this is mainly about the latest fashion clothing that's been coming out in year 2013.The category that my article falls into is past event , The headline of my story is also called All The Rage.


    Baseball playoffs and Dodgers vs. NY Mets. It said that Grady Little is back in the playoffs but in some viewed circles unkindly at least three more decision involving stating pitchers. Some will regard it as neither and the first perception is casting a single October judgement as career reflection, the second game will owes him than anybody else.

    I have chosen an article where a man was asked why he loved soccer, he said he was completely puzzled and said he was bothered not because he didnt know the answer, but because he shouldve know it. I would love to explain why I love soccer.

  14. Headline- The Beautiful Game. Why Soccer Rules The World

    Soccer, The one thing i cant live without. This article has to do with a huge soccer fan and his passion for the World Cup, Soccer's greatest tournament. It lasts for 1 month and it's 32 countries coming together and playing each over this month, its 6 rounds. Group Stage, Round of 16, Quarter finals, Semi finals, Third-place play-off, Final. The team that wins is the best in the world for 4 years.


    I believe this article is a "How-to" article. It is instructing the reader how to lace the popular brand of shoe, Vans. There are step-by-step instructions as to how to lace these shoes correctly.

  16. I'm going to probably use a question, a startling argument, or a "what if" in the lead of this article about Korea's threat to the world and to the U.S.
    Type: In-depth

  17. The title/headline of the feature article is Who is your Friend?. It talks about how you know who is your friend and who is not your friend. Also it talks about the things that friends do to prove that they are your friend.

    - Lory Acosta

  18. In this article it talks about how you evaluate if things work out for you. It says about it being real or just an evaluation. When you find out that things are real or evaluations. When you have evaluations after you had already made a final decision. That somethings aren't real they are just things being evaluated.

    Broken ankle- The Headline
    Category- Trend Story
    Summary- Basically all this article is talking about is how you know you have a broken ankle or not. You having a broken ankle is a common injury and its by either tripping or twisting. It also tells the difference between cracked and broken. They aren't the same thing.

  20. The title of the article I chose is "Night Gardens." This article describes the way night gardens are set up and how they catch the eye of a person. It talks about how gardens are best rewarded at night. You can do so much with a garden to make it look amazingly beautiful at night.
    Here is the link:


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