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Monday, February 11, 2013

Honors English II. Child Manipulation

Sierra Leone, Africa (the setting for A Long Way Gone) is not the only place children have been manipulated by adults.  Your job is to research other places in the world where this kind of atrocity has occurred.   In short, child manipulation is a global problem. Moreover, it is an American problem.  It may not be on the same scale as boy soldiers, but one could argue that gang warfare is a quintessential example of the atrocity called child manipulation.

Please post a well-developed paragraph explaining the example you found of child manipulation in the world and a link to any site that gives more information on your example. 

Here are some leads for you:    

Uganda's Invisible Children      

 Children of the Night


  1. It's hard to believe that child labor is still an issue around the world. About 16 percent of children from ages 5 to 14 is involved in child labor in developing countries. At least 30 percent of all children in third world countries are a part of the child labor workforce. The largest part of child labor takes place in Africa. Forty-nine million children work in that part of Africa. That is 26 percent of all the kids in that part of Africa! Child labor should be stopped. We need to do something about it. Children should be out playing sports, and hanging out with their friends, not working to earn a living!

  2. Lots of people like chocolate, but must do not know what is behind the making of chocolate. The Ivory Coast is a big producer of chocolate. They produce 40 percent of the worlds chocolate. The people making this chocolate are children. Child manipulation is the reason for this. These kids are forced into doing hard labor. There are many people trying to change this. Even the Ivory Coast is trying.

  3. To be a boy in Burma means that you face constant risk of being taken off the streets. This means committing violent acts against innocent villagers. These boys never see their families again. When asked why he shoots at other soldiers, which are also children, a 19-year-old boy said "I don't know if it's good or bad if we kill those kind of people, but they are the enemy so we have to shoot." There are over 32 rebel armies in Myanmar that use child soldiers, one lead by twelve year old twins.

  4. There are many child manipulation problems in the world today. One main problem is child soldiers. Children in war affects these kids life in so many ways. These children go through sexual abuse, exploitation, and trauma from war that never goes away. These people are taken from their families and never see them again. Many groups try to stop this problems but they can only do so much. Child soldiers are just kids who just picked the bad straw and have to literally fight to live.

  5. Child prostitution is a growing matter in America. Children are usually seen as they need to be taken care of because they don't know their rights. In America's society today, children are recruited to fulfill sexual requests to clients.

  6. Today, there are between 250,000 and 300,000 children fighting in the world. Their recruitment begins from the age of 10. Child soldiers are used as instruments in war machines that execute even parents and friends. Children are recruited because they are more manageable, more obedient, and more easily manipulated than adults. Children are also less conscious of danger, and it is harder for them to see the difference between “absence” and “death”.

    This young boy name Lucien, he is 12 an ex child soldier from the Democratic Republic of Congo (1) this is what he said “At our age, , it’s more complicated for the rebels. So they use stronger stuff, like drugs or money, to bait us and to make us march…I remember the attack on Njola-Kombouya village, in the south of Sierra Leone. They made us wake up at 1 in the morning and we marched until 7. A doctor came. He had a small bowl of cold water, and, every two injections, he rinsed his needle in the water. It was always a small vial with red liquid. At first, I constantly felt weak and then after, I had a sense of overwhelming power, I felt myself capable of anything…I had rage, hate, I wanted to destroy everything. You can’t understand, we were placed in such a state that we laughed in face of all that violence, we found it exciting, we had no limits.”

  7. It is easy to manipulate children in countries like Columbia, Mexico, and Gauetemala. They can easily do it by applying them with narcotics. Also, children are threatened and recruited by criminal groups to help get drugs passed the border. In Mexico, they had recruited child assassins to carry out hits and torture for drug cartels. One 14 year old was arrested for beheading 4 people, he says he was pulled into the gang he was in and he was high on weed and didnt know what he was doing. There is an alarming rate of children gang activity that ruins these childrens lives, they have a bright future ahead of them but child manipulatuon through gang related activities are affecting their lives.

  8. Over the past years, children have been manipulated by gangs. For a lot of children "the gangsta" way of life is not an option. Gang memebers usually tell the children that they are losers if they don't join a certain gang. Other times, gang members show them how much money they make and of course some children become interested. Gangs make it seem as if they are family and always have a nice wild life. These problems don't only occur in Mexico or in the Latino World, but in other places of the world as well. We have to be the influence of the world by being a good example and not let Gangs do it for us.

  9. A common form of child manipulation in America actually happens right at home.When parents are going through a divorce it is heard of for one parent to start saying bad things about the other parent to the child.I think this for of child manipulation can be very harmflu to the childs psychological state. When the child's parents keep feeding them lies about the other, it can cause the child a great deal of stress that can be avoided. The chiild is being manipulated into being upset with one parent and wanting to stay with the other.

  10. Children are being manipulated by adults to sell drugs or do drugs themselves. Adults manipulate them by lying to them saying that drugs will help their emotions and could get them many advantages. They manipulate them by telling them everything the "drug" will do to them. They make them think that they will feel more comfortable with drugs and they will become improve at things. They consider the drugs as a healthy way of being healthy. They teach them the "better" side of drugs. They manipulate children at the "right time" about drugs.

  11. India has the largest number of child laborers in the world. The M.V Foundation found the that nearly 400,000 children work 14-16 hours a day. The main causes of child labor is poverty and lack of social security. In some urban areas there is a high employment of children. Some of the laws that are supposed to protect the children from the hazardous labor are not effective.


  12. There are hundreds of boys that people in the drugs cartel that use them to smuggle drug when there are checkpoints when crossing the border.Cartels exploit the fact that agents at checkpoints often have only seconds to decide whether to search a vehicle to decide whether the person behind the wheel is a smuggler.

  13. It's such a shame to see kids my age getting recruited by gangs. Gang members recruit children by using smooth-talking and coercive methods. Since children look up to older people, they think it's okay to do the same thing as the older people. Local and national street and motorcycle gangs have become the the main resource to such drastic events. When girls get recruited into gangs, they have to deal with atrocious consequences. Some of these consequences are: disease, pregnancy, eating disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

  14. All across the world, child manipulation is increasing. Everyone is aware of the child soldier and prostitution manipulation, but one thing people are not aware of is child manipulation in a custody case. Many parents today are manipulationg their child to go against the other parent in order to get full custody. Even though the child might of had a perfect relationship with that parent, it is made out to be that it's the other parents fault and they cause all of the problems.

  15. Children being manipulated by adults is still an oncoming problem in the world we live in today. One example of children being manipiulated by adults is Children being used as sex slaves. Most people think these types of things do not happen in the U.S but off in foreign countries. That statement is not true, although it isn’t as freqeunt as it is in other countries it still happens in the World we live in now. More than 12 million people are victims of forced prostitution, and one is a woman named Syrepov. When she was 7 years old she was sold to a brothel in Phnom Penh, Cambodia's capital city, to work as a sex slave. For years, pimps forced Sreypov to have sex with as many as 20 men a day. If she didn't meet her quota, or if she tried to run away, she was punished in unthinkable ways; burned with a hot poker, covered with biting insects and more. Sreypov is among the lucky ones. At age 10, she was able to leave the brothels and start a new life.

  16. The Taliban are terrible people they use children as young as three years old. These children are used for shooting mortar rounds at US Marines. They use children for human body shields in the middle of combat or to strap bombs to them. They also use children to run out in the middle of combat to pick up wounded Sergent's. A US Marine said there use of children is spreading wide after finding wads of cash and heroin on children.

  17. There are around 300,000 child soldiers worldwide. Children are recruited at the age of 10 or under. They are used for many different things such as cooking, spying, messengers, and for sexual purposes. most of the children are forced and if they refuse they are killed.

    In the country of Congo there is a war between many rebels. All of the rebel posses use child soldiers. In Uganda street gangs have married girls at the age of 13. The child soldiers are manipulated to burn down villages.

  18. through out the world is isnt uncommon to go somewhere and see teens throwing up signs that may represent the gangs they're in. most of these kids join gangs because they think that there is no way out and that they are people that will be there when they need them. this is not true. the teens are manipulated to steal, kill, and use illegal substances. it happens every where.

  19. Children manipulation is a huge problem around the world. There is an estimated 300,000 children being manipulated. About a third of them are in Africa. Boys are usually manipulated in fighting in war and doing forced labor. Girls are not safe though. In El Salvador, Ethopia, and Uganda girls are manipulated into fighing in wars too. I think Ishmael Beah is a great person for trying to aware people of this problem and actually doing something about it.

  20. There are many kinds of gangs.Most children like the bling or the money. The children who join these gangs would normally join these gangs when they are in bad neighborhoods with little to no income. The money is the icon that catches the childrens attention that gets them to want to join.These gangsters would be like role models to these children. If the children don't join because of the money, other ways they can join would be born into it.The other ways would be harass or even threaten kids to join these certain gangs by force.They would brainwash the children to be high rollers. The cars and fancy things are the biggest attention grabbers. I wrote this because it is important to know what our children are going through. It is also important to know whats going on in this world.

  21. It started in Mozambique and had spread throughout most of Africa. Child soldiers are considered the new weapon of destruction and it is becoming a big problem. Many people these days don't realize how bad this has become. It has spread to places like Somalia, where 1,000 people were killed in the capital, Uganda, were a reign of terror had swept through the rural areas of Uganda controlled by the Lord's Resistance Army, Congo, where a civil war broke out a decade ago, and even places like Afghanistan, where they gave kids violent weapons at a young age and grew up to be soldiers at 12 to 16 years old. It has become a huge problem and will spread faster and faster and maybe eventually spread to the U.S. if it already hasn't.

  22. The exmaple I found was on child sex trafficking in Cambodia. During the 1970s the Khmer Rouge messed up Cambodia and today the effects have still not worn off. The country is rebuilding itself but when it first fell it led to the rising of many problems including child sex trafficking. Cambodia has one of the largest demand for child prostitution, especially when it comes to virgins. One girl managed to escape and shared her story with the world just like Ishmael but she now helps other girls escape from brothels. She says that she hopes that by getting her story out people will realize that there is still slavery going on all around the world, and that they'll be willing to do something about it.

  23. child manipulation is happening every day. childern are get manipulated from there parents or there community. when a parent is annoying a child or really just do not care about them they are manipulating them.the commmunity is just as bad. A good example is gangs, they manipulate the children that if your family is not there for you we are. Thats very bad they make children do thing they have no reason doing. The gangs make these young people kill,steal and do all kind of things. children should not be manipulated.

  24. One example of child manipulation are these young beauty pageants. These little girls are pressured by their parents to participate in these pageants. This could hurt the girls self-esteem by them getting in these pageants, but they continually lose. They also wear all this makeup and it could make them think they have to wear all of it to look pretty. This may not be an example you think of, but it still is a very bad thing to do to these little girls.

  25. Gang members manipulate children that struggle with life with money, power, and promises of protection. Children in broken neighborhoods that have to struggle see gang members with money and expensive thing that seem like can only obtain if they join a gang. Kids that do not know how to protect them selves see gangs as a protective group. Children with no father figure see gang members with money and fancy cars as heroes something they want. Some kids are born into a gang family and are pressured by parents and old siblings to join with them.


  26. I think that it is absolutely sick that there are people out there who do this to children. Both girls and boys have been involved. Prostitution with adults is bad enough, but to involve children is unthinkable. Not to mention that it is all happening in our country. I guess our country is more corrupt then we'd like to know.

    -Brendan Rhodes-

  27. I think that child manipulation is one of the worst things that could happen to a child. One of the worst places that it happens is in Africa. It also happens in other places around the world. In mexico they use children crossing the border to import and export drugs with out have suspicion run. It is bad enough that they are dealing drugs but on top of that they are using children. Kids should have free will and should not be taken advantage of.


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